Shelf life
Shelf life

One advantage we have found with UHT treatment is that about a third less chickpeas are needed to make the same volume of hummus, giving savings in raw material costs. This is not possible with the temperatures achieved during pasteurization.

shelf life

Commercial sterility enables storage at ambient temperatures for 6 to 18 months. In contrast, pasteurization reduces the microbiological load but some bacteria survive and the product needs to be stored under refrigerated conditions to control the growth rate. This will kill all bacteria including their spores, so there are no microorganisms left to grow in the product during room temperature storage. UHT stands for ultra high temperature and means that the food is heat treated at a temperature above 135☌ for a short time. A retort process is another alternative where the product is heat treated inside the package.” How is UHT treatment of hummus different from pasteurization? To achieve a long shelf life at room temperature, a UHT treatment is necessary. In that case, there may be no need to add preservatives, giving your product a ‘clean label’. As an alternative, you can pasteurize the hummus and this can extend the shelf life to up to 6 weeks in chilled storage.

shelf life

“You can add lemon juice to reduce the pH and add preservatives, but these usually only extend the shelf life for a couple of weeks in chilled storage.

shelf life

To make hummus, the chickpeas always needs to be cooked but there is no need for heat treatment if the hummus is refrigerated and eaten within a few days.” How can I extend the shelf life of chilled hummus? By heat treatment, we mean a short controlled treatment of the final product at a predetermined temperature. “Just to clarify, heat treatment is not the same as cooking.

Shelf life